Miracle IVF Centre provides egg donation services for women who are not able to achieve pregnancy using their own eggs. Eggs can be donated by someone you know or, if that is not possible, we are able to provide eggs from a donor here in Cyprus. Egg donation is ideal for women who have experienced hormonal problems, early menopause, surgeries, genetic issues or have undergone severe treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It is also used for those women who have simply missed the opportunity to conceive without assistance.
Egg donation can also be used for women who have not had successful results from standard IVF or ICSI treatments because of low egg quality or egg deficiency. For those women, our egg donation treatment really is a miracle. Egg donation means that all women, regardless of their circumstances, can easily become mothers even if they are going through menopause.

Donor eggs are usually needed in the following cases:
1. A high risk of passing on genetic disease
2. If the ovaries have been affected by illness/medical treatments
3. After IVF cycles that have determined that the eggs are of poor quality
4. Premature menopause
Stages of Egg Donation
As described above, egg donation is an IVF-like treatment method that is used in situations where the mother has no eggs or the eggs are not of a high enough quality to obtain a pregnancy. In this treatment, the egg is collected from the donor and when it is fertilised with the sperm of the father, a healthy embryo is formed. The resulting embryo is transferred to the mother and pregnancy is achieved. However, this treatment method is not the same as regular IVF.
1. The treatment starts by meeting with couples face to face in our centre, or by having a telephone or email consultation. During the consultation, which is conducted by the patient coordinator and Dr. Firdevs, a detailed treatment history and detailed physical characteristics of the couple are recorded. From there a personalised treatment plan is put together, specific to the couple. Testing is completed to ensure the highest chance of a successful treatment. Our patient coordinators continuously provide psychological support for couples, from the decision-making process through to the preparation stage of the egg donation treatment in Cyprus.
2. Egg donors are selected by Dr. Firdevs, a specialist in her field. These are matched according to the information received from the couple, including, but not limited to, their ethnic identities, physical attributes, dominant characteristics, and blood group. After the couple have approved the donor, the final decision is made by performing comprehensive testing on the donor (see below).
3. We always ensure fresh eggs are prepared for each treatment cycle. The mother and donor prepare for treatment simultaneously. The mother’s menstrual cycle is synced to that of the donor before the treatment begins, using medication. If the mother is in menopause, this syncing is not required and treatment can start right away. As the donor’s ovaries are stimulated by Dr. Firdevs, the endometrium of the mother’s uterus is prepared for embryo transfer via various medications.
Throughout the process, our coordinators support the mother to ensure that the entire treatment process is smooth. The preparation process starts on the 2nd or 3rd day of the mother’s and donor’s menstrual period and lasts approximately 12 days.
4. After about 12 days of medication, the donor is ready for the egg collection process. All eggs collected are fertilised with sperm of the father. Each donor provides eggs for one couple at a time, they are not shared with another couple, and this means we can guarantee at least 10 healthy, mature eggs for each patient. After fertilisation, the embryos are left to develop in special incubators in our in house laboratory. On the same day the donor’s eggs are collected, the endometrium of the mother is examined and a new medication cycle starts that prepares the mother for pregnancy.
5. The last stage of the treatment in egg donation is the embryo transfer stage. This procedure takes place on the 3rd or 5th day after fertilisation. The ‘best’ embryos are transferred to the mother in a painless procedure. Dr. Firdevs will use guided ultrasound to place them in the location most likely to achieve successful implantation.
About our Egg Donors:
You can rest assured that all of the collected eggs from our donors are of a high high quality. The donors have been tested (physically and mentally) and they are between 20 – 26 years of age. At Miracle IVF Cyprus, we guarantee a minimum of 10-12 fresh, mature donor eggs for all our patients.
Before their eggs are considered for use, our donors are required to undergo a blood test and must answer comprehensive genetic and medical health questionnaires. Another important factor for us is that our selected donors are mothers or they have at least successfully donated eggs in the past. You can select donors of any hair or eye colour, from any nationality or ethnic origin, as egg donors are matched according to the information received from the couple. The laws in North Cyprus protect the donor and the receiver and it is not possible to identify the donor or the patient.
Below you will find all the tests that donors must go through: the initial tests are for infectious diseases, the second level tests are for hormones, the third level involves chromosome testing and the fourth level tests are for genetic diseases.
Test for Infectious Diseases
- Anti-HIV – test for AIDS infection/ HIV
- Anti-HCV – test for Hepatitis C Virus
- Rubella IgG – German measles infection
- CMV IgG- test for Cytomegalovirus infection
- HbsAg – test for Hepatitis B virus infection
- VDRL – test for Syphilis infection
Hormone Tests
1. FSH – follicle stimulating hormone
2. LH – luteinizing hormone
3. AMH – Anti-Mullerian hormone to indicate the ovarian reserve
4. TSH – thyroid stimulating hormone
5. E2 level
6. Prolactin
Genetic Diseases that are tested for:
1. Karyotyping is used to detect chromosomal abnormalities
2. Cystic fibrosis – an inherited disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs, digestive system and other organs in the body.
3. Phenylketonuria – a genetic error that affects metabolism
4. Thalassemia Major/Minor – the body produces an abnormal form of haemoglobin
5. FMF, Familial Mediterranean Fever or polyserositis – a genetic auto-inflammatory disorder
6. Haemophilia A&B – inherited blood clotting disorders
The cost of egg donation
The cost of egg donation in Cyprus can vary depending on various factors. The treatment and medications required are tailored to each patient’s medical history and needs.
The cost of egg donation encompasses all aspects of the procedure, such as pre-procedure tests, IVF treatment, donor preparation, and genetic screening. For individuals with a female infertility factor, such as diminished egg reserve, early menopause, low quality eggs, or lack of eggs due to previous cancer treatments, egg donation may be the best option. These factors can be taken into account when determining the cost of egg donation.
Our team of coordinators is eager to assist you in choosing the best possible treatment and calculating the cost of egg donation treatment based on your individual circumstances. To receive immediate help, simply fill out the contact form, and one of our coordinators will respond to you as soon as possible. Click to reach our contact form.